Getting Here


From Teeside follow the A171 (moor road) into Whitby, follow the signs for the railway station onto Bagdale. The Florence Guest House is directly opposite Pannett Park.

From Scarborough follow the A171 into Whitby, cross over the high level bridge, go straight over the cross roads and onto Bagdale, then follow directions above.

From Pickering follow the A169 towards Whitby, follow the signs for Whitby, turning right into town onto the A171. Follow the signs for the railway station onto Bagdale, The Florence Guest House is directly opposite Pannett Park. 

For all routes, on arriving at The Florence Guest House, we suggest that you drive past us and into town, go round the roundabout just beyond the railway station so that when you pull up outside us you are with the flow of traffic. If you pop your hazard lights on for a few minutes we will take your bags and direct you to our off site parking.